Monday, November 16, 2009

The food looks good

By nature I'm not a graphic type artist. I like the look, but it seems whenever I start putting together a page, I go for the layered look. My pages often emulate a 3-D paper page although I've tried more and more "digital only" techniques in the last few months.

In this page, I was scraplifting an ad for the weekly challenge on the Pub Boards at Two Peas in a Bucket. I copied the ad fairly literally although I chose to keep my photos in color rather than convert them to black and white like the original ad. I like color and rarely scrap without it.

However the most unusual characteristic of this page is there are no photos of people. Although many people scrap for the artistic nature of it and create some of the most beautiful pages, I have a nagging belief that I want to have people be the center focus of my pages for when i look back or my children do, after they've become adults, they aren't going to care if I got that perfect shot of the rainbow, but they might want to see that fuzzy shot of their first time on roller skates. So this page won't stand alone. I'll be making an accompanying page showcasing some of the people action of the Halloween party as well. But I have to admit, the food looks good.

Scrapaholic with AADD
I sometimes am unsure as to whether I suffer from adult attention deficit disorder (AADD) or if I'm just chronically disorganized. I often start to clean up one room in my house only to put something away in another room and then start cleaning that room over and over. It's kind of like a repeating decimal. I keep hoping if I continue I'll eventually get it all done, but alas it never seems to happen. I'm at an unfair disadvantage though with two kids following behind me often messing up what I had cleaned.

Scrapbooking is a great hobby for someone who is easily distracted. I'm truly liking the freedom to scrap whatever picture grabs my fancy rather than being limited to scrapping in order. I tried that, but I found it hard to keep the creative juices flowing. Skipping around based on whatever inspires me for the moment (i.e. a scraplift of someone else, a particular color scheme, a photo that just begs to be scrapped, a on-line challenge,a phrase or transcription of a conversation, etc) keeps me in a creative space. However like my house, one of the downsides to this approach seems to be that I never have any year completely documented. However as my scrapbooking style has changed, I now have my pages interdispersed rather than sequential and I've mixed paper pages with digitally created pages so there isn't an obvious timeline of how my abilities have changed (hopefully for the better). I like that too. My pages are eclectic, just as I am.

Digi-materials include: paper by God's Design, photomask by Maracella, Photomask by Bouille, Chickenwire by Gunhild Storeide.

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